The LAPP abbreviation also represents the set of the software and components which together constitute the environment for websites and other ways of utilization. Regarding the abbreviation, it is obvious that the difference between LAMP and LAPP is the database used, which in the case of LAPP is PostgreSQL. What reason is there for a different database? The main purpose may be the target deployment of the DB, because the PostgreSQL may, under certain circumstances, appear as a more suitable choice or it may be the personal preferences which affect one’s choice of the database.

The control panel at the IP address of the machine with TKL LAPP Stack installed

The LAPP includes Linux (operating system), Apache (web http server), PostgreSQL (relational SQL database), PHP (application programming and scripting language). Just as in the former case, the LAPP image is suitable primarily for the (multi)hosting of websites and other ways of utilization. The TurnKey Linux LAPP Stack image contains all the components mentioned in the description of the TKL core version and on top of that:

  • Apache – web http server, currently the version 2.4.25
  • PostgreSQL – relational database, currently the version 9.6.7
    • Listens to the localhost port by default
    • Password encryption enabled by default
    • By default, the authentication is not required when accessing from the local Workstation
  • PHP – programming and scripting language, currently the version 7
  • Support of PHP, Python, Perl for Apache and PostgreSQL
  • Adminer – simple graphical interface for the management of the PostgreSQL database
  • Postfix – email server, bound to localhost
  • The Webmin modules for the configuration of Apache, PostgreSQL, PHP and Postfix

The official documentation of the TKL LAPP Stack image is available at: .