TKL Joomla

The last representative of the CMS is the content management system called Joomla.

The main page of the website created with the use of the TKL Joomla

There is also a TKL image usable for this CMS. You can find further information regarding the utilization of the CMS in the description of the WordPress image. At this section, let us only mention, that the most common use of the CMS is for creating and managing websites or blogs. After the machine is started, the home page of the web presentation created inside Joomla is available immediately at the IP address associated with your virtual machine.

The graphical interface of the Joomla administration – the dashboard (Control Panel)

It is possible to log into the administration of the Joomla content management system directly from the home page available at the IP address of your machine, that is from .

The TurnKey Linux Joomla image contains all the components mentioned in the description of the TKL core version and on top of that:

  • Apache – web http server, currently the version 2.4.25
  • MySQL – relational database, currently the version 5.5
  • PHP – programming and scripting language, currently the version 7
  • Support of PHP, Python, Perl for Apache and MySQL
  • Adminer – simple graphical interface for the management of the MySQL database
  • Postfix – email server, bound to localhost
  • The Webmin modules for the configuration of Apache, MySQL, PHP and Postfix
  • Joomla – CMS – content management system, currently the version 3.9.8
    • Joomla installed in the /var/www/joomla directory
    • Pre-installed modules:
      • Breadcrumbs
      • Main Menu
      • Login Form
    • Pre-installed themes:
      • Beez3
      • protostar

The official documentation of the TKL Joomla image is available at: .