The LAMP abbreviation represents the set of the tools used primarily for running websites. The initial letters of these tools – Linux (Operating system), Apache(web http server). MySQL (relational SQL database), PHP (application programming and scripting language) make up the LAMP abbreviation. The database can be substituted by some other alternative. However in the case of the TKL LAMP stack image, it is exactly MySQL. This image is suitable primarily for the (multi)hosting of websites, but there are also other ways of utilization. The TurnKey Linux LAMP Stack image contains all the components mentioned in the description of the TKL core version and on top of that:
- Apache – web http server, currently the version 2.4.10
- MySQL – relational database, currently the version 5.5
- PHP – programming and scripting language, currently the version 5
- The support of PHP, Python, Perl for Apache and MySQL
- The supporting tools phpsh, php5-xdebug, phpear, xcache
- Adminer – simple graphical interface for the management of the MySQL database
- Postfix – email server, bound to localhost
- The Webmin modules for the configuration of Apache, MySQL, PHP and Postfix
The official documentation of the TKL LAMP Stack image is available at: .
The MediaWiki image provides a so-called wiki engine that is written with the use of the PHP programming language, originally created for the purposes of the Wikipedia. This image allows for making use of all the features of a knowledge base, from its administration, up to creating of knowledge pages, posts and articles and communication with the users of the knowledge base, etc.
After the machine with the given image is started, we can use the web browser to find (at the machine’s IP address) the page very much alike to the Wikipedia’s look. It is possible to log in with the use of the link located in the upper right section of the page. The procedures of editing and managing the content of the knowledge base are far beyond the scope of this manual.
There are the shellinabox, webmin and adminer administration tools available inside the given image. You can find further information regarding these tools in the description of the TKL core image or in the particular separate manuals.
The MediaWiki is based on the WYSIWYG editing of knowledge articles and posts, where maximum possible compliance with HTML is ensured via ($wgUseTidy). Once the image is installed, it is possible to upload files (max. file size = 2 MB) and perform adjustments of the images (GD library). The supported image formats include png, gif, jpg and jpeg.
The TurnKey Linux MediaWiki image contains all the components mentioned in the description of the TKL core version and on top of that:
- Apache – web http server, currently the version 2.4.25
- Python – programming and scripting language, currently the version 3.5.3
- Adminer – simple graphical interface for the management of the MySQL database
- MediaWiki integrated with Apache 2, MySQL
- The extensions to MediaWiki installed via Debian packages – includes own mwlsext script for enabling/disabling of the extensions:
- mediawiki-extensions-base
- mediawiki-extensions-collection
- mediawiki-extensions-geshi
- mediawiki-extensions-openid
- Postfix – email server, bound to localhost
- The Webmin modules for the configuration of Apache 2, MySQL and Postfix
- MySQL – relational database, currently the version 5.5
- SSL support
The logo, shown in the left upper corner, is located in /var/lib/mediawiki/images/logo.png . The recommended size of the knowledge base logo’s picture is 135x135px. The title of the knowledge base and administrator’s email can be modified in the /etc/mediawiki/LocalSettings.php file:
- $wgSitename = “”;
- $wgEmergencyContact = webmaster@localhost;
- $wgPasswordSender = webmaster@localhost;
The official documentation of the TKL MediaWiki image is available at: .