TKL PostgreSQL

The PostgreSQL image contains the core version of TKL, on top of which, the relational database or more precisely the relational database management system (RDBMS) PostgreSQL is installed. Thus, the image is primarily suitable as initial installation of the database machine, or for installing of another software on top of it in the context of desired utilization.

If you enter the IP address of this machine into the address bar of the browser after the machine with the given image is started, the control panel will appear. This control panel will guide you to the shellinabox, webmin and adminer administration tools. You can find further information regarding these tools in the description of the TKL core image or in the particular separate manuals.

The control panel at the IP address of the machine with TKL PostgreSQL installed

The TurnKey Linux PostgreSQL image contains all the components mentioned in the description of the TKL core version and on top of that:

  • PHP – programming and scripting language, currently the version 7
  • Support of PHP, Python, Perl for Apache and MySQL
  • Adminer – simple graphical interface for the management of the MySQL database
  • Postfix – email server, bound to localhost
  • The Webmin modules for the configuration of Apache, MySQL, PHP and Postfix
  • PostgreSQL – relational database, currently the version 9.6.7
    • Listens to the 5432 TCP port, by default on all of the interfaces
    • By default configured to accept connections from all hosts
    • In a production environment it is recommended to limit incoming connections to specific hosts by configuring the access of the hosts and users in /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf
    • Password encryption enabled by default
    • By default, the authentication is not required from the postgres user when accessing from the local Workstation
    • Support for PostGIS (the support of geographic objects for PostgreSQL – GIS etc. )

The official documentation of the TKL PostgreSQL image is available at: .